Yasemin Karamik
Yasemin Karamik
Strategic Planning Unit
Yasemin Karamik joined ZEW’s Research Group “Health Care Markets and Health Policy” as a researcher and the Strategic Planning Unit as advisor to ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach in September 2021.She has been a doctoral student at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) since January 2023. Her research focus is in the field of health care markets.
She received her bachelor’s degree in “International Economics and East Asian Studies” at the University of Tübingen and the Tongji University in Shanghai, China. She then completed a master’s degree in economics at the University of Mannheim. In her master’s thesis, she analysed the effect of air pollution on crime in Germany.
Contact information

Yasemin Karamik
Researcher and Advisor to the President Email yasemin.karamik@zew.de Phone +49 (0)621 1235-386-
Best Paper Award, // 2022
Prizes, Awards and DistinctionsAugustin Cournot Doctoral Days ACDD, University of Strasbourg, France