Welcome to the ZEW Alumni Community!
“ZEW wouldn’t be the same without its alumni”
Looking to stay connected with former colleagues after your time at ZEW? ZEW is committed to continuing the journey with you as an alumnus/alumna. Join our lively alumni network to keep personal and academic ties strong with both current and former colleagues. Connect with us on LinkedIn through the ZEW Alumni group (in German) or reach out to us directly!
Your feedback, even the critical kind, is invaluable in shaping this community to our mutual benefit.
ZEW alumni pursue a wide variety of careers: Many stay in research, others are drawn to ministries, international organisations or companies.
Note regarding the chart
The accessible alternative of this chart is available via the highchart menu in "View data table" and, for screen reader users, the texts for the information displayed on hover in the corresponding screen reader notes.
The annual ZEW alumnae and alumni events are a highlight in our event calendar. These gatherings focus on the social interaction among current and former ZEW members and provide an opportunity for in-depth discussions about ZEW’s work, career paths post-ZEW, and any other topics of interest.