More Migration, More Crime? On Immigration and Security


ZEW Podcast with Dr. Martin Lange

With the founding of the German Empire in 1871, the first wave of migration began with the influx of Ruhr Poles. Since then, parts of the German population have harboured fears of foreign influence and crime. Although the vast majority of migrants lead peaceful lives, there are still migrant-related crimes, such as the Islamist attacks in Berlin in 2016 and Mannheim in 2024, or the Cologne New Year’s Eve incident in 2015. Dr. Martin Lange, a researcher in the “Labour Markets and Social Insurance” Unit, studies migration and crime. Together with ZEW podcast host Bastian Thüne, he provides a scientific perspective on these issues and discusses whether the arrival of Syrian refugees has had an impact on crime statistics and how integration can best be achieved.

Podcast in German Language


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