
  1. Dates and News // 17.03.2014

    Antonio Di Paolo, PhD, Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Antonio Di Paolo, PhD, was a visiting researcher at ZEW’s Research Department "Labour Markets, Human Resources and Social Policy" from February 24 to March 14, 2014. He is visiting professor at the Department…
  2. Opinion // 07.03.2014

    The Consequences of German Constitutional Court Ruling on OMT

    Confusion – that was the first effect of the decision by the German Constitutional Court on the OMT programme of the ECB. “Victory for the ECB” read the first headlines in the Financial Times. Initially it…
  3. Personnel // 04.03.2014

    Maria Victoria Román de Lara Visiting Researcher at ZEW

    Maria Victoria Román de Lara was a visiting researcher at ZEW’s Research Department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management" from March 1 to April 15, 2014. She is a junior researcher…