ZEW Economist Friedrich Heinemann on the Inflation Figure
Comment“Impending Waves of Redundancies Make for More Modest Wage Demands” (September 2024)
The Federal Statistical Office published its preliminary results on the development of the German inflation rate in October 2024. According to the calculations, the inflation rate measured by the German consumer price index increased from 1.6 per cent to 2.0 per cent. Friedrich Heinemann, head of ZEW Mannheim’s “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” Research Unit and professor at Heidelberg University, commented the following on the matter:
“The inflation rate has ceased to decline for the time being. The reason is that the high energy prices are gradually disappearing from the year-on-year comparison. In addition, prices in the service sector are still rising. A side movement can now be expected until the end of the year.
If the inflation rate were to level off at just under two per cent, everything would be fine, but looking ahead to 2025 this is not certain. In the event of another escalating trade conflict under a US President Trump, the German economy will also feel the effects through higher import prices.”