R&D Expenditure During Crisis: Strategies to Sustain Post-Crisis Innovation Success
R&D Expenditure During Crisis: Strategies to Sustain Post-Crisis Innovation Success
This project deals with the consequences of the economic crisis in 2008/09 on innovation activities in firms. In particular, we analyse the effects of adjustments in R&D spending during the crisis (i.e. in the year 2009) on post-crisis innovation success in the years 2010 to 2012 while considering the firms’ innovation management strategies. The project focuses three research questions:
- Did firms that follow an anti-cyclical R&D investment strategy during crisis (i.e. that kept R&D at a constant level or even increased it) show a higher market success with inno vations in the years after the crisis as compared to firms that adjusted R&D expenditure downwards in response to a worsened economic situation?
- Which innovation management strategies were helpful to translate an anti-cyclical R&D investment strategy into higher innovation success?
- Which innovation management measures are helpful to sustain post-crisis innovation success despite a reduction in R&D expenditure during the crisis?
The research questions are analysed empirically using the Mannheim Innovation Panel as well as additional data on firms innovation management activities.