Publication of ZEW Annual Report 2023

Dates and News

Focus on Transformation

The ZEW Annual Report 2023 provides an overview of the past year, focusing on the topic of “Transformation”.

The central focus of the ZEW Annual Report 2023 is “Transformation”, including insights into ZEW’s research on the transformation of the health care system, the ongoing regulation of AI and Germany’s changing capacity for innovation. The report also provides information on the institute’s highlights over the past year and discusses important staff changes and anniversaries.

“2023 was a difficult year, with the conflict in the Middle East, two years of war in Ukraine, and marking four years of stagnation in the German economy. At the same time, Germany and Europe are facing enormous transformation challenges. ZEW is monitoring these issues scientifically and providing policymakers with concrete recommendations,” says ZEW President Professor Achim Wambach.

Outstanding evaluation

The successful evaluation of ZEW by the Leibniz Association in 2023 was a special high point. In the evaluation, which takes place every seven years, the institute received top marks for its research, policy advising and transfer of knowledge. “The evaluation also highlights the excellent research infrastructure and outstanding team spirit that have developed at ZEW over the last decades,” emphasises Thomas Kohl, who led ZEW as managing director until 29 February 2024.

Passing of the torch in management

The annual report discusses the change in ZEW’s management on 1 March. Included in the report is an interview with Thomas Kohl and his successor, Claudia von Schuttenbach, on the transformation in the institute’s management. Thomas Kohl looks back on his more than 30 years at ZEW, while Claudia von Schuttenbach highlights what will be particularly important to her at the institute. “I think what we have done here in terms of internationalisation is important and justified. I am keen to expand our international network, for which I am particularly keeping the service units in mind”, she says.

ZEW expertise in demand at the highest level

The institute’s renowned researchers played a significant role in policy advising in 2023. Professor Irene Bertschek was appointed to the #Zukunftsstrategie (FutureStrategy) forum by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. She is also an active member of the Future Council of the Federal Chancellor and is vice-chair of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation (EFI). And Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus appointed Professor Holger Stichnoth as a member of the Family Report Commission. With Professor Tabea Bucher-Koenen participating in the focus group on private pension plans in the Federal Ministry of Finance and Professor Melanie Arntz being active in the “Rat der Arbeitswelt” (“Council of the Working World”), ZEW was able to share its ranging expertise with the government.

Year of celebrations

There were many jubilees to celebrate in 2023. The Mannheim Innovation Panel (MIP) was founded three decades ago as the first Europe-wide innovation survey. Also celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2023 was the ZEW Sponsors’ Association for Science and Practice, to which the annual report has dedicated a two-page spread. The Leibniz ScienceCampus MannheimTaxation, a joint initiative with the University of Mannheim, celebrated ten years in 2023. This lighthouse project has had an impressive influence on German taxation research in recent years.

ZEW “in transformation”

The new annual report also gives ZEW employees a chance to speak up. In the form of testimonials, employees address the topic of transformation and discuss how their work and range of duties have changed.

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