VfS Annual Conference 2024 at TU Berlin: ZEW Sets Focus on Health Data

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Call for More Data for Research

The ZEW team once again contributed actively to the VfS Annual Conference in 2024.

With 14 presentations, two panel participations, and its own panel discussion, ZEW Mannheim played an active role in this year’s Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS, “German Economic Association”). Under the core topic of “Upcoming Labour Market Challenges”, around 800 participants gathered at the Technical University of Berlin from 15 to 18 September. The VfS Annual Conference is one of the largest and most prestigious economic conferences in the German-speaking world.

In the scientific sessions, ZEW researchers addressed topics such as the financing structure of start-ups, the influence of early childhood conditions on savings behaviour in later life, and the impact of digitalisation on employee health. Additionally, ZEW hosted an information stand where conference attendees could learn more about the institute’s research, advisory work, and career opportunities.

ZEW Brown Bag Panel: Research needs more health data

ZEW economist Simon Reif chaired the brown bag panel, in which Susanne Ozegowski and Amelie Wuppermann (right) took part in the discussion.

This year, ZEW hosted the traditional Brown Bag Panel, focusing on health data. After an introduction by ZEW President Achim Wambach, Simon Reif, head of the ZEW Research Group “Health Care Markets and Health Policy”, provided an overview of health economics at ZEW. The panel discussion, attended by around 250 guests, featured Susanne Ozegowski, Director-General for Digitalization and Innovation at the Federal Ministry of Health, Amelie Wuppermann from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and chairwoman of the German Association for Health Economics (dggö), alongside Simon Reif. All panellists agreed that easier access to health data for research purposes is needed in Germany, as economists can help enrich the often opinion-based debates with evidence-based insights. All panellists agreed that Germany needs easier access to data for research purposes in order to improve patient care and the development of therapies and to make the healthcare industry more competitive.

Nobel Laureate delivers keynote

The core theme of the 2024 conference focused on labour markets. The VfS was able to secure David Card, the 2021 Nobel Laureate in Economics from UC Berkeley, as a keynote speaker. Other keynote speakers included renowned labour market experts such as Christian Dustmann (University College London) and Jessica Pan (National University of Singapore).

VfS Annual Conference 2025 at the University of Cologne

The VfS currently has around 4,000 members, making it one of the largest economic associations in Europe. Next year’s VfS Annual Conference will take place from 14 to 17 September at the University of Cologne, with ZEW President Achim Wambach organising the core conference around the theme “Revival of Industrial Policy”.