Dr. Marion Ott
Dr. Marion Ott
Market Design
Marion Ott is deputy head of the ZEW Research Unit „Market Design“. She studied management science and engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, where she completed a doctoral degree in economics in 2009. Between 2003 and 2008 she was a member of the collaborative research center SFB 504: Rationality concepts, decision behaviour, and economic modelling at the University of Mannheim. After spending six months as a visiting scholar at Stanford University in 2009/10, she joined RWTH Aachen University. Until 2019, she was junior professor for game theory and behavioural economics or deputy professor in applied economics. In 2013 she spent four months as a visiting scholar at Stanford University.
Her research interests lie in the design and analysis of all kinds of markets, in particular auctions. Using game theory and experiments, she analyses for example auctions for multiple heterogeneous goods and auctions in bidder-seller networks. Amongst other publications, she has published her work in journals such as Games and Economic Behavior, Experimental Economics, and the Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
For further information and resources please visit Marion Ott’s personal website.
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Dissertationspreis, // 2010
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