Prof. Dr. Thilo Klein
Prof. Dr. Thilo Klein
Market Design
Thilo Klein is a professor of quantitative economics at Pforzheim University and a senior economist in ZEW’s Research Unit “Market Design”, where he is responsible for the research area “Design of Matching Markets”. His work focuses on market design, matching theory and empirical methods, including the allocation of childcare and school places, food donations, environmental subsidies and the design of microfinance programmes. He has published in Games and Economic Behavior and the Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design. He has been the principal investigator in projects supported by the DAAD, the ESRC, the Leibniz Association, the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and was awarded the prize for the best economic advisory project by the ZEW Sponsors’ Association. Prior to joining ZEW, he worked as a policy analyst at the OECD, as well as for the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Indian microfinance institution Spandana, and Bayer AG. He holds a PhD in business economics and an MPhil in operations research from the University of Cambridge.
Contact information

Prof. Dr. Thilo Klein
Advanced Researcher Email Phone +49 (0)621 1235-348-
Bestes wirtschaftspolitisches Beratungsprojekt, // 2021
Prizes, Awards and DistinctionsZEW Sponsors' Association for Science and Practice, Mannheim, Germany